The Research Publication publishes double blind peer-reviewed, Gold Open Access journals in the fields of Science, Engineering, Technology, Humanities and Social Sciences which supports the development of new areas of research and making ideas and knowledge accessible around the world.


  • Asian Journal of Information Science and Technology

    Asian Journal of Information Science and Technology is a half-yearly, double blind peer-reviewed, gold open access journal designed to serve researchers, developers, strategic planners, research scholars, and others interested in research activities in information science, information systems, knowledge engineering and intelligent systems.

  • Indian Journal of Information Sources and Services

    Indian Journal of Information Sources and Services (IJISS) is a quarterly, double-blind peer-reviewed, gold open access journal. It aims to publish the most complete and reliable source of information on the discoveries and current developments in the form of research articles in all areas of Information Science and Systems.

  • Asian Journal of Computer Science and Technology

    Asian Journal of Computer Science and Technology is a half-yearly, double blind peer-reviewed, gold open access journal promoting the dissemination of original research and technological implementation experiences in the areas of Computer Science, Engineering, and Information Systems.

  • Asian Journal of Engineering and Applied Technology

    Asian Journal of Engineering and Applied Technology is a half-yearly, double blind peer-reviewed, gold open access, multidisciplinary journal devoted to the publication of original high-quality research papers and review papers in all disciplines of engineering and applied technology.

  • Asian Journal of Electrical Sciences

    Asian Journal of Electrical Sciences is a half-yearly, double blind peer-reviewed, gold open access journal in the field of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Optical and Magnetic Materials, and Computer Science that aims to publish the most complete and reliable source of information on the discoveries and current developments in the mode of research articles, review articles, case reports, short communications, etc.

  • Asian Journal of Managerial Science

    Asian Journal of Managerial Science is a half-yearly, double blind peer-reviewed, gold open access journal that publishes scientific research on the latest developments and practices of Business, Management and Accounting, Management of Technology and Innovation, Management Science and Operations Research.

  • Asian Review of Social Sciences

    Asian Review of Social Sciences is a half-yearly, double blind peer-reviewed, gold open access journal that publishes original papers, empirical research, case studies, literature review, conceptual framework, analytical and simulation models, technical notes, and book reviews on Social Sciences.

  • Asian Journal of Science and Applied Technology

    Asian Journal of Science and Applied Technology is a half-yearly, double blind peer-reviewed, gold open access, multidisciplinary journal covering all aspects of Science and Applied Technology areas. Topics include, but are not limited to: Chemistry, Physics, Astronomy, Earth Science, Environmental Science, Biology, Computer Science, Mathematics, Statistics, Systems Science, etc.

  • Asian Review of Mechanical Engineering

    Asian Review of Mechanical Engineering is a half-yearly, double blind peer-reviewed, gold open access journal that welcomes contributions that promote the exchange of ideas and rational discourse between practicing educators and mechanical researchers all over the world. Original theoretical work and application-based studies, which contribute to a better understanding of Mechanical and Automotive Engineering and technological challenges, are encouraged.