Factors Predicting Information Retrieval Skills among Undergraduates of Nigerian Universities


  • Janet O. Adekannbi Africa Regional Centre for Information Science, University of Ibadan, Nigeria




Information literacy skills, cognitive abilities, information retrieval skills, undergraduates, Nigeria, gender


A major problem identified among university students is lack of information retrieval skills for exploiting electronic resources, thus making the level of usage of resources by students very low. Hence, this study investigated factors predicting information retrieval skills among undergraduate students in Nigerian universities. The study examined information retrieval skills in terms of informational, operational and strategic retrieval skills. Multistage sampling technique was adopted. Six related departments/courses were purposively selected from private and public universities to ensure uniformity. Convenience sampling was used in selecting the total of 235 respondents. Questionnaire was used to collect data on respondents’ socio-background characteristics, information literacy knowledge and information literacy skills, cognitive skills and information retrieval skills. Data were analyzed using frequencies and binary logistic regression. Cognitive abilities predicted informational, operational and strategic retrieval skills. Gender was also a significant predictor of both informational and operational retrieval skills. Information literacy knowledge and information literacy skills did not show any significant influence on any of informational, operational and strategic retrieval skills. The study recommends embedment of information retrieval skills training programmes in universities’ curricula.


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How to Cite

Adekannbi, J. O. (2016). Factors Predicting Information Retrieval Skills among Undergraduates of Nigerian Universities. Asian Journal of Information Science and Technology, 6(2), 13–19. https://doi.org/10.51983/ajist-2016.6.2.132