Examining Saffron Income and Choice of Marketing Channel Connection


  • Binish Qadri Research Scholar, Department of Economics, Central University of Kashmir, Jammu and Kashmir, India




Marketing Channels, Intermediaries, Saffron Income, Choice of Channel


The study identified the marketing channels involved in the marketing of saffron and revealed grower preference to various marketing channels. Furthermore, it found that the choice of marketing channel depends on income of the saffron grower. The primary data was collected from the respondents (201 saffron growers, 6 dalals and local traders, 17, retailers/wholesalers and 5 firms) in the three selected villages of Pampore namely Letpora, Ledhu and Konibal based on interview schedule framed in accordance with the objectives of the study. Proportional sampling framework was followed for selecting the respondents of the study. The chi-square test for association has been used to find the relationship between two categorical variables which in case of present study is income and channel.


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How to Cite

Qadri, B. (2018). Examining Saffron Income and Choice of Marketing Channel Connection. Asian Journal of Managerial Science, 7(1), 25–30. https://doi.org/10.51983/ajms-2018.7.1.1298