Dynamics of Risk Factors Affecting the Capital Adequacy Ratio with Special Reference to UCO Bank
Basel Norms, Capital Adequacy Ratio, Credit Risk, Market RiskAbstract
To reinforce the stability of the financial system, policy makers and the Basel committee have proposed Basel accord to ensure that financial institutions maintain sufficient capital buffers. Basel III framework emphasizes on sustained increase in bank capital in order to absorb the potential credit, market and operational risks. The capital adequacy requirement under Basel III norms are directly linked to the PCA (Prompt Corrective action) framework which has disrupted the flow of credit in the economy. Market risk, Credit risk, Operational risk and deposits are some of the factors affecting the capital adequacy ratio (CAR) which influences the bank performances. This study aims at analysing the most important factor responsible for the shrinking liquidity due to adherence of stringent capital adequacy ratio imposed by RBI. Currently 11 public sector Banks out of 21 PSUs under PCA has sequentially shrunk their loan book including UCO Bank. The bank’s asset quality has worsened over the years. Using regression analysis, this paper seeks to study the major determinants of Capital Adequacy ratio using data sets for the period from 2009 to 2018 of UCO bank. The data was collected from the financial reports of the UCO bank for the aforesaid period. Among the parameters considered, it was found that deposits affect the CAR the most and market risk has the lowest impact on CAR.
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