Academic Relationships and Resources: Assessing the Impact on Quality of Education


  • M. Pragnashree Research Scholar, Department of Management Science, JNTUA, Anantapur, Andhra Pradesh, India
  • M. Vidyasagar Associate Professor, Department of Management Studies, SVCET (A) Chittoor, Andhra Pradesh, India
  • T. Narayan Reddy Assistant Professor, Department of Management Science, JNTUA, Anantapur, Andhra Pradesh, India



SERVQUAL, Academic Relationship, Higher Education, quality education, Academic Resources


The study is an empirical examination of how the academic relationship between Faculty and student, student’s access to resources affect the quality of education in higher education institutions across Andhra Pradesh, India. Data was collected among 400 students across Higher Education institutions in Andhra Pradesh using random sampling technique. Dimensions of SERVQUAL model (ParasurRaman, 1985), namely Responsiveness, Cooperation, Assurance, Empathy, Tangibles (Access to resources) were used in the questionnaire. Cross tabulation in SPSS and Pearson correlation were employed as analytical methods. The findings of the study suggest that the student faculty relationship have a significant impact on quality of education and academic resources are significant attributes that impact the student’s learning which results in better quality of education.


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How to Cite

Pragnashree, M., Vidyasagar, M., & Narayan Reddy, T. (2020). Academic Relationships and Resources: Assessing the Impact on Quality of Education. Asian Journal of Managerial Science, 9(2), 18–23.