Farm Size and Agricultural Productivity: A Study of Low Hill Zone of Himachal Pradesh


  • Sikander Kumar Hon’ble Vice Chancellor, HP University, Shimla, Himachal Pradesh, India
  • Kishor Kumar Assistant Professor, Department of Economics, HPU Regional Centre, Dharamshala, Himachal Pradesh, India



Farm Size, Agricultural Productivity, Low Hill Zone, Himachal Pradesh


The relationship between size of holding and productivity has been the subject of study since the result of farm management investigations. The present paper also makes an attempt to examine the relationship between operational holding, gross value of output and value of major inputs used in the production of selected field crops. In addition to this, net returns across different farm sizes have also been examined. The results obtained from the study pointed out that there exists inverse relationship between the operational holding and productivity on maize crop, whereas, constant productivity relationship was observed on paddy and wheat crops. When all these crops were taken together, inverse relationship between the two-hold true. In respect of profitability, only small farmers are able to convert to their output advantages into net profitability by taking all these crops together. The important policy implications of the analysis is that consolidation of land holdings, formation and effective implementation of a development strategy and management of basic economic holding in the study area will undoubtly of primary importance to boost agricultural production, productivity and profitability thereby enhancing the productive employment and well-being of farm families.


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How to Cite

Kumar, S., & Kumar, K. (2022). Farm Size and Agricultural Productivity: A Study of Low Hill Zone of Himachal Pradesh. Asian Journal of Managerial Science, 11(1), 23–28.