Success Factors in Alternative Delivery Channels of Banking: Innovative Solutions to Meet the Challenges of Bank of the Future
Alternative Delivery Channel, ATM, Mobile Banking, Internet Banking, Agent Banking, Credit/Debit Card, COVID-19Abstract
This paper aims at understanding the success factors in the Alternative Delivery Channel (ADC) of different scheduled commercial banks in Bangladesh. This research includes the most commonly used channels provided by commercial banks such as ATM, POS, Credit/debit card, mobile banking, internet banking, agent banking, etc. The research methodology involves collecting both primary and secondary data. The primary data was sourced from the questionnaire prepared to find out the significant factors that responsible for the successful venture of any alternative delivery channel of the scheduled banks. The clients were selected based on their services received from ADCs and the sample size is 144. The study also focuses on the reasons why some banks are so successful in this area, why some banks are not. For the secondary data, the authors have taken the individual bank’s data from Bangladesh Bank. The secondary data enabled to assess of the present scenario of the ADC facilities of the commercial banks in Bangladesh. The study will help policymakers to detect the challenges of promoting alternative delivery channels in the banking sector and make solutions to meet the challenges of the future banking system.
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