Effects of Radiation and Viscous Dissipation on Transient Free Convection Heat Transfer Flow Past a Hot Vertical Surface in Porous Media
Free convection, heat transfer, radiation-conduction parameter, hot vertical plate, porous mediumAbstract
The radiation effects on unsteady transient free convection flow of a viscous incompressible gray, absorbing-emitting but non-scattering, optically-thick fluid occupying a semi-infinite porous regime adjacent to an infinite moving hot vertical plate with constant velocity taking viscous dissipation onto account has been carried out. Thermal radiation effects are simulated via a radiation-conduction parameter (),rK based on the Rossseland diffusion approximation. We employ a Darcian viscous flow model for the porous medium. The momentum and thermal boundary layer equations are non-dimensionalzed using appropriate transformations and then solved subject to physically realistic boundary conditions using the Ritz finite element method. The computed numerical results for velocity(),u temperature(),θ shear stress function()τ and wall temperature gradient function()Nu are presented through the graphs and tables for air (0.71)rP= and water (7.00).rP= It has been found that increasing thermal radiation parameter ()rKcauses a considerable increase in the flow velocity .u Temperature θ is significantly increased within the boundary layer with a rise in.rK The velocity is found to decrease with an increase in inverse permeability parameter ()pK and increases with increase in the Grashof number ()rG and Eckert number ().
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