Investigation of the Structure and Mechanical Properties of Friction Stir Welded Aluminum Alloy
AA5083, Friction Stir welding, Structural properties, Mechanical testing, Tool Rotating speedAbstract
Friction stir welding is now extensively used in aluminum industries for Joining and Material processing applications. The Technology has gained increasing interest and importance. In the present paper, the Mechanical and Microstructural properties of AA 5083(AlMg4.5Mn0.7) butt joints produced by Friction Stir Welding have been investigated. Different welding trials with two rotating speed of the tool have been done. The Mechanical properties of the welded joints have been evaluated though micro hardness measurements (HV) and Mechanical Tests. Metallurgical characterization has been done by means of optical microscopy to investigate size, morphology and distribution evolution of the metallic matrix and precipitates present in this type of aluminum alloy. The change in microstructure across the welded joints was characterized by the presence of severely deformed grains in the region of the weld nugget.
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