Effect of Welding Parameters on The Properties of Aluminium Alloys 6063 and 6101 Welded with Friction Stir Welding
Friction stir welding, aluminum alloys, mechanical properties, rotational speed, pin profileAbstract
Friction stir welding (FSW) has got wide attraction in aerospace and automobile industries, as conventional fusion welding techniques are susceptible to various welding defects like cracks and porosity, Welding of aluminum alloys were also a matter of concern because of the thin oxide layer formation on the surface of alloys as this oxide layer tends to thicken at higher temperatures. Friction stir welding process shows several advantages to weld aluminum alloys. In the present research the optimization of the mechanical properties of welded joint of aluminum alloy of 6000 series are considered. This aluminium alloy series is used for architectural fabrication due to good surface finish, high corrosion resistance and good mechanical properties. The aluminium alloys 6063 and 6101 are successfully welded with friction stir welding technique. Two different rotation speeds of tool 1600 rpm and 1200 rpm and two different pin profiles tools square & hexagonal are selected for this work. From the results it is observed that the joint welded with hexagonal pin profile at 1200 rpm tool rotation speed gives superior mechanical properties.
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