Experimental Study of Double Slope Solar Distillation with and without Effect of Latent Thermal Energy Storage
Solar, Latent Heat, Paraffin WaxAbstract
Hygienic drinkable water is a basic necessity for man along with food and air. Fresh water is also required for agricultural and industrial purposes. Most water sources are contaminated by industrial waste, sewage and agricultural runoff. The higher growth rate in world population and industries resulted water in a large acceleration of demand for fresh water.The natural source can meet a limited demand and this leads to acute shortage of fresh water. Hence, there is an issue to essentially treat the salt and contaminated into purified water. There are several methods to convert impure water into potable water for drinking, but out of them thermal method is economically viable. In this paper experimentation were carried out on two different setups of double slope single basin solar still with and without thermal energy storage by phase change material.
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