Design and Development of Helical Compression Spring Stiffness Testing Machine for I.C. Engine Valves with Stepper Motor by Using Computer Control
Helical Compression Springs, Stiffness, Load, Deflection, Computer ControlAbstract
Helical compression springs play a vital role in IC Engine because of its stable function ability during the cyclic loading. This paper focuses on information on design and development of helical compression spring stiffness testing machine. Our aim is to design a spring stiffness testing machine with stepper motor by using computer control, which emphasizes to measure a stiffness of helical compression springs for I.C. Engines valves for the various fluctuating load. A tested spring installed in a machine which improves the performance of the machine and produces the more efficient and reliable results. Only considering the single parameter (Deflection due to vibration) stiffness of the spring is calculated. This paper focuses on a new methodology for Testing Spring stiffness using helical compression spring stiffness testing machine with computerized control.
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