Agricultural Robots: The Applications of Robotics in Smart Agriculture: towards More Advanced Agro Informatics Practice
Agricultural Informatics, Robotics, AI, Artificial Intelligence, Agricultural Sciences, Development, Sustainable Growth in AgricultureAbstract
Robotics is a machine which is supported by the Artificial Intelligence and Expert Systems. This is basically run with the programmable computer which is run and does the performance and activities automatically. The robotics systems can be done with the integrated systems built inside or it may be done by the external controlling mechanism. It is not mandatory that a robot always looks like a human being. It could be of any form and designing or shape, however, the things in robotics is that it is operated automatically. Robots are applicable in diverse areas and sectors and among these important are include healthcare, business, agriculture, transportation, manufacturing etc. As far as agriculture is concerned, Robotics is very much associated with the various pre and postproduction of agriculture and similar sectors. Initially in harvesting only the robotics were used but currently, there are more concerns where robotics can be applicable viz. drone for the weed controlling, plant seeding, environmental assessing and monitoring, soil mapping and analysis, etc. Initially, only basic Information Technology tools were common in agricultural practices but in recent past, many technologies are using in agriculture and among these important are Cloud Computing, Big Data, HCI, Usability Engineering, Robotics and AI, etc. According to the market analysis companies the growth of the robotics is very increasing and will touch the high very soon. This paper talks about the basics of robotics including a special focus on agriculture. Paper also highlighted the areas of applications with the concern of issues and challenges in brief.
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