Rheometric Analysis of Impact of Temperature, Volume Fraction and Mass of Nanoparticle on the Viscosity of Water Based Nanofluids
Nanofluids, Nanoparticle, Temperature, Viscosity, Volume FractionAbstract
Nanoparticle volume fraction, temperature and molecular mass of nanoparticle impact viscosity of nanofluids. Among them, temperature has an intrinsic influence on viscosity and is recommended to be the most crucial and dominant parameter. There are several theory based models for finding viscosity of nanofluids. Even a small addition of nanoparticles to the base liquid greatly increases the viscosity of nanofluid. The viscosity of the nanofluid varies with the particle size even if the nanoparticle does not change. In this work, theoretical viscosity of nanofluid is compared with experimental viscosity at different temperatures and volume fraction. The analysis is done for nanofluids having nanoparticles of different molecular masses.
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