Application of SDT to Promote Students Motivation and Engagement in Learning: Non-Asian and Asian Contexts


  • K. D. R. L. J. Perera Senior Lecturer, Department of Secondary and Tertiary Education, Faculty of Education, The Open University of Sri Lanka, Sri Lanka



Application of SDT, Asian Context, Motivation and Engagement, Non-Asian Context, Self-Determination Theory (SDT)


Self-determination theory was introduced by Ryan and Deci in 1985. It is discussed about three needs; competence, relatedness, and autonomy. It is basically focussed on intrinsic motivation. There are many research studies have been undertaken using SDT all over the world. The main aim of this study is to examine the SDT studies conducted to promote students’ motivation and engagement in learning. There are two research objectives formulated in this study; to examine the SDT studies conducted in non-Asian countries and to examine the SDT studies conducted in Asian countries. A semi-systematic review approach was applied to review the literature. This literature review mainly focused on research articles that investigated the SDT studies. Most of the reviewed literature w a s published in online journals. The selected articles were read, and the findings following the reviewed literature are presented based on the identified research objectives guiding the study. The document analysis was used as the data analysis method in this study. Reviewing both non-Asian and Asian studies, it could be concluded that, Self-determination theory has been used in those both contexts extensively to promote students’ motivation and engagement in learning. It is proven the SDT is a validated theory to increate students’ intrinsic motivation in different cultural contexts. It is implied that research literature to be further reviewed to examine the application of SDT in different other contexts.


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How to Cite

Perera, K. D. R. L. J. (2022). Application of SDT to Promote Students Motivation and Engagement in Learning: Non-Asian and Asian Contexts. Asian Review of Social Sciences, 11(1), 17–21.