Smart Attendance System Using Face Recognition
Face Detection, Face Recognition, Haar Features, Histogram of Oriented GradientsAbstract
Implementing an attendance system in schools and colleges is crucial, and relying on manual methods poses challenges such as reduced accuracy and maintenance issues. Utilizing face recognition techniques can significantly enhance accuracy and efficiency compared to traditional methods. Various existing systems incorporate technologies like face recognition using IoT, PIR sensors, and hardware devices, but maintaining these sensors can be challenging. We aim to address these challenges by implementing a system based on the Haar Cascade Algorithm, known for its high accuracy. This algorithm can capture images effectively within a range of 50-70cm. To simplify the process, we are developing a user-friendly graphical interface that enables image capture, dataset creation, and one-click dataset training. Upon successful face recognition, the system will display the student’s name and roll number, automatically recording this information in an attendance sheet with the corresponding time and date.
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