Agricultural Informatics: An Overview of Integration of Agricultural Sciences and Information Science
Information Technology, Computing, Agricultural Informatics, Agro ICT, Environmental Information Sciences, Degrees, InterdisciplinaryAbstract
Information Science is an important field of study with the nature of Interdisciplinary Sciences. It is also called as Applied Sciences. The field also synonymously treated and considered as Informatics in different parts of the globe. The branch holds both practicing natures as well as the characteristics of a field of study. Due to its applicability in other subjects and different areas and new subjects have been created viz. Bio Informatics, Geo Informatics, Health Informatics, etc. Among the domain specific Informatics, one important is Agricultural Informatics. In general, it is considered that the applications of IT and Computing in different branches and subjects, societal areas is Information Science. Thus, the application of Computing Systems, Technologies and IT in the practicing field of agriculture and academic field of agriculture is called Agricultural Informatics or short Agro Informatics. However, the integration of techniques, technologies and methodologies of both the subjects viz. Informatics and Agriculture results in the origin of Agro Informatics. The analysis, management and processing of agricultural and allied data by the Computer and IT Systems may also be called as Agricultural Informatics. We know that Agriculture is dedicated to the production of food, feed, fiber and other products with the process of cultivation not only plants but also domesticated animals by various scientific methods. And, Agricultural Informatics thus dedicated to IT based solutions in complete Agro and allied areas. This research work is conceptual in nature and theoretical and demonstrates various features, functions, stakeholders, evolution, technologies, future of Agro Informatics and related branches as well. The paper also highlighted the basics of Agricultural Sciences and Information Science, to reach the goal and objective of the paper as well.
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