Peer Review Policy

The "Indian Journal of Information Sources and Services" employs a rigorous peer review process to ensure the quality, integrity, and validity of the research published in the journal. The following outlines our peer review policy:

  1. Peer Review Process
  • All manuscripts submitted to the "Indian Journal of Information Sources and Services" undergo a double-blind peer review process. This means that both the identities of the authors and the reviewers are concealed from each other.
  • Submitted manuscripts are first evaluated by the editorial team to assess their suitability for publication and adherence to the journal’s scope and guidelines.
  • Manuscripts that meet the initial criteria are assigned to external reviewers who are experts in the field. Reviewers provide thorough evaluations of the manuscript's content, methodology, significance, and originality.
  • Reviewers are selected based on their expertise, impartiality, and absence of conflicts of interest with the authors or their research.
  • Reviewers evaluate the manuscript based on its scientific merit, clarity of presentation, and adherence to ethical standards. They provide constructive feedback and recommendations to the authors to improve the quality of the manuscript.
  • Authors are notified of the outcome of the peer review process and receive reviewers' comments and recommendations for revision. Authors are given the opportunity to address reviewer concerns and revise their manuscript accordingly.
  1. Reviewer Guidelines
  • Reviewers are expected to conduct their evaluations objectively, impartially, and confidentially. They should provide constructive feedback and recommendations to help improve the quality of the manuscript.
  • Reviewers should disclose any conflicts of interest that may affect their ability to provide an unbiased evaluation of the manuscript.
  • Reviewers should maintain the confidentiality of the peer review process and refrain from disclosing any information about the manuscript or its review to third parties.
  • Reviewers should adhere to the journal’s ethical guidelines and report any concerns about potential misconduct or ethical violations observed in the manuscript.
  1. Editorial Decision
  • Based on the feedback received from the reviewers, the editor-in-chief or handling editor makes a final decision regarding the acceptance, rejection, or revision of the manuscript.
  • The editorial decision is communicated to the authors along with the reviewers' comments and recommendations. Authors are provided with clear guidelines for revising their manuscript if required.
  1. Appeals Process
  • Authors who disagree with the editorial decision may appeal by providing a detailed response to the reviewers' comments and explaining why they believe the decision was unfair or incorrect.
  • Appeals are considered by the editorial team, and a fair and unbiased determination is made based on the merits of the appeal and the original peer review process.
  1. Continuous Improvement
  • The "Indian Journal of Information Sources and Services" is committed to continuous improvement of its peer review process. Feedback from authors, reviewers, and editors is solicited and used to refine and enhance the peer review process.
  1. Contact Information
  • For inquiries or concerns regarding the peer review process, please contact the editorial office at [email protected].
  1. Disclaimer
  • The views and opinions expressed in published articles are solely those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the official policy or position of the "Indian Journal of Information Sources and Services."


Please note that adherence to the peer review policy is essential for maintaining the quality and integrity of the journal's publications. We appreciate the contributions of all reviewers and authors in ensuring the excellence of scholarly research in the field of information sources and services.