Accessibility, Awareness and Use of Egranary Digital Library Technology in Academic Library by Lecturers of Umaru Musa Yar’adua University Katsina, Nigeria
Accessibility, Awareness, Utilization, eGranary, Digital LibraryAbstract
The study investigated on the Accessibility, Awareness and Use of EGranary Library System by Academic Staff of Umaru Musa Yar’adua University. A null hypothesis was formed to investigate the influence of eGranary on enhanced access and usage of information resources by academic staff. The study used a quantitative research paradigm and a survey as the research method. Through the usage of the eGranary digital library system, a questionnaire was employed as the primary instrument for data collection on accessibility and utilization of information resources. The study used a population of 506 academic employees and a sample size of 150 academic staff, with a response rate of 95.0 % for data analysis. The study's data was broken down into percentage and frequency tables. According to the findings of the study, demographic characteristics (gender, age, education, and professional rank) had no significant impact on access to and use of information resources at the surveyed university. The study advised that the surveyed university to invest more in ICT facilities in order to improve academic staff's access to and use of eGranary and information resources for research.
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