Social Media Advertising for Small-Medium Scale Enterprises in Kumasi, Ghana
Social Media, Social Media Advertising, SMEs, KumasiAbstract
This study focuses on social media advertising as one of the modes of communication which could be used to promote products and services. The present research sought to find out the extent to which social media advertising is making an impact on SMEs in the Kumasi Metropolis. A qualitative research approach with emphasis on case study as a research design was employed. Data was collected from 17 respondents in the form of face to face interviews from artisans working in a range of small medium scale enterprises within the Kumasi Metropolis, specifically in the Bomso, Anloga Junction and Afful Nkwanta catchment areas. Two major themes emerged from the findings: “social media for business promotion” and “perceptions of artisans on social media”. The findings suggest that there is the need for an intensive education on the use and importance of social media advertising for business purposes and the perceptions of the artisans about social media advertising could be explored for future research with regard to policy and practice.
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