Bibliometric Analysis of Literature in the Field of Surgical Gastroenterology during 2010-2019
Bibliometrics, Relative Growth Rate (RGR), Doubling Time (Dt), Activity Index (AI), Bradford’s Law of ScatteringAbstract
This paper presents a bibliometric analysis of literature in the field of Surgical Gastroenterology in MEDLINE data which are covered in PubMed during the study period i.e., from the year 2010 to 2019. It is observed that a total of 12917 records covered in the field of Surgical Gastroenterology. The maximum number of 2168 records was published in the year 2019. It is also observed that 51.63% of records are journal articles and 97.86% of records were in the English language. The United States has contributed the highest number of 4938 records in the study period. The Relative Growth Rate (RGR) has decreased, and the Doubling Time (Dt) has increased in the study period which reveals that the literature in the field of Surgical Gastroenterology is growing year after year. Indian efforts in Surgical Gastroenterology research are greater in 6 years out of 10 years of the study period. A total of 144 journals are identified as core journals in the field of Surgical Gastroenterology.
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