Perception of and Attitude to Marketing of Library and Information Products and Services by Librarians in Public University Libraries in Bayelsa and Rivers States of Nigeria
Perception, Attitude, Marketing, Library Products and Services, Librarians, University Libraries, Bayelsa State, Rivers State, NigeriaAbstract
The study investigated perception of and attitude to marketing of library and information products and services by librarians in public university libraries in Bayelsa and Rivers States of Nigeria. The study adopted descriptive survey research design. The population of the study comprised eighty-one (81) librarians. However, sixty-nine librarians participated in the study. Survey Monkey was used for data collection. Eighty-one soft copies of the questionnaire were distributed to the librarians via their email addresses. Sixty-nine questionnaires were properly completed by the librarians and returned, resulting in a response rate of 85.19%. The data collected were transferred into Google sheets and analyzed by means of weighted mean and standard deviation. The findings revealed that the extent to which the librarians marketed library and information products and services was low; the librarians had widely-varied positive perceptions about marketing of library and information products and services, while the librarians’ displayed virtually same negative attitude towards marketing of library and information products and services. The study concluded that a large number of librarians in public university libraries in Bayelsa and Rivers States of Nigeria attach importance to marketing of library and information products and services, yet many librarians have unfavorable approach to it. The study recommended that the librarians should utilize social media and promotional strategies to market library and information products and services in university libraries. It also suggested that the librarians should cultivate a favourable attitude towards the process.
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