Students’ Satisfaction and Learning: Assessment of Teaching-Learning Process in Knowledge Organization
Perception, Teaching-Learning Process, Satisfaction, General Regulatory Teaching, Preparation for Learning, Regulatory Assessment, Student Planning, Perception of LearningAbstract
This study aims to assess parameters like student perception and student satisfaction towards the interactive teaching-learning process (TLP), which may help teachers at different educational levels to teach more effectively. The teaching-learning process included general regulatory teaching, teacher preparation for learning, regulatory assessment, and student perception and planning for learning. A questionnaire was administered to a sample of classes 11th and 12th with various streams, including Mathematics, Biology, and Commerce as their majors in Central India. This study examined the impact of student perception on their satisfaction with the teaching-learning process (TLP). The results indicated that students’ perception of general regulatory teaching, preparation for learning & regulatory assessment significantly impact their satisfaction towards TLP, but preparation for learning and Regulatory assessment were not associated to satisfaction with teaching. However, it resulted in student learning positively. The findings further indicated that student satisfaction and learning are not different in-stream and class level.
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