Exploring the Factors Influencing Usage Behavior of the Digital Library Remote Access (DLRA) Facility in a Private Higher Education Institution in India
Digital Library, Remote Access, Social Influence, Hedonism, Habit, Behavioral Intention, Usage BehaviorAbstract
Digitalization has transformed the world and empowered education across the globe alike. Digital Library Remote Access (DLRA) facilities have empowered students, researchers and academicians to have uninterrupted and complete access to literature and scientific information on finger tips through a single window. In order to understand the factors influencing the digital library usage in a private Higher Education Institution of Eminence in India, the study employs non-probability sampling, convenience sample of 400 researchers and students of the deemed to be university. The results of the investigation substantiates that habit plays a crucial role in ascertaining the behavioral intention and the usage behavior of DLRA technology.
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