E-Resources: Trends and its Use in the Libraries of Tata Institute of Fundamental Research
Electronic Information Resources, E-Resources, TIFR, Digital LibraryAbstract
During the early 21st century, the developments in library automation and the internet have made its impact on library operations and information access in majority of the libraries across the globe. The technology has profound effect on academic institutions and has enabled users to access library resources from any location. It has enabled and led the libraries in transformation of its services from traditional to new services and also delivery models, incorporating various electronic resources. User demands are major driving force in collection development. Information users are no longer solely reliant upon physical storehouses of information and therefore, libraries must look into subscribing to e-resources such as e-journals, e-books and databases. In order to meet the changing needs of the users, libraries continue to use new technologies and offer services in innovative ways. Hence, an attempt has been made in this paper to explorer some of these new and emerging technological and service paradigms in the use of electronic resources in TIFR Libraries.
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