Exploring the Relationship Between Academic Science and Economics Through Biofuel Research: A Scientometric Analysis
Scientometric analysis, Biofuel, Research Productivity, Citation analysis, Research Trends, Vosviewer, VisualizationAbstract
Scientometrics is increasingly wielded as a powerful tool in shaping scientific policies, impacting the allocation of funding for projects and institutions by assessing priorities, viewpoints, and capabilities. The investigation of the relationship between academic science and economics is one of the most recent developments in the field of scientific metrics study. It assumes the role of an analysis method of knowledge production and dissemination in innovation systems. These results suggest that biofuel positively affected research collaboration and, as a result, scientific performance. HistCite is one of the study’s tools for analyzing data in a clear and concise manner. Manual searches were conducted on their websites to gather a condensed overview of their data for data mining purposes. Additionally, the Web of Science (WOS) database was utilized for research visualization. Vos Viewer and MS Excel were employed to create graph-like visualizations of data, particularly focusing on the key term 'biofuel' to showcase the field’s research focus and productivity rankings in this area. Statistical techniques and web mining were employed to refine and extract pertinent information. The study period was 33 years (1989-2022), and the results are presented in this paper. This may help to show that the continual growth of plants on our planet greatly outweighs men’s fundamental energy consumption when considering ecological, technical, and economic considerations; only a portion of the biomass that grows can be used to generate energy.
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