Information Use Pattern of Library by Faculty Members of Bannari Amman Institute of Technology, Sathyamangam, Erode, Tamil Nadu: A Case Study
Academic library, User survey, Library Resources, Search engines, Digital library, Web resourcesAbstract
In this study, the purpose is to investigate the information use pattern of library resources and related issues among faculty members of Bannari Amman Institute of Technology, sathyamangam. The study is to find out the various information seeks by the users may be helpful to the library authorities in organizing their acquisition programmes effectively and to introduce appropriate services. Information technology involves acquiring, storing, processing and distributing information by electronic means including radio, television, telephone and computers. Information is available in a range of formats including texts, images and sounds. Libraries are looking towards information technology as a tool to solve number of problems encountered in providing library services to users. Information technology is now perceived as an enabler that can facilitate in the transformation process. A total of 150 questionnaires were distributed but 120 were returned duly filled in. A structured questionnaire was designed for collecting data from the chosen sample group. The study was aimed at identifying the needs and the level of awareness of the student community on networks such as internet and the like. The data obtained were analyzed using Simple Percentile analysis to generate tables and to arrive at conclusion.
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