Game-based Digital Media Development to Improve Early Children's Literacy


  • Taopik Rahman
  • Yufiarti
  • Yuliani Nurani



Digital Media, Early Literacy, Early Childhood


One aspect of early childhood development that is very important is the language aspect, including early literacy skills. To enhance this development component, media development—including digital-based media—is required. In light of this, the goal of this research is to create digital media that is based on games to enhance early childhood literacy. Assessment/Analysis, Design, Development, Implementation, and Evaluation are the five stages that make up the Lee and Owens paradigm. The kids in the study ranged in age from 4 to 5. Techniques for gathering data include documentation, interviews, and observation. Digital media is designed using the Android operating system. The results show that the N-Gain Score value is 0.77 and the N-Gain Score (%) is 77.00%. Thus, it shows that game-based digital media is effective in improving literacy skills in early childhood with an effectiveness value of 77.00% with very high level of effectiveness.




How to Cite

Rahman, T., Yufiarti, & Nurani, Y. (2024). Game-based Digital Media Development to Improve Early Children’s Literacy. Indian Journal of Information Sources and Services, 14(2), 104–108.