Use of OPAC in the University Library of GGIPU, Delhi
OPAC, Boolean search, user awareness, uses satisfaction, bibliographic detailsAbstract
The present study explains the use of OPAC in the university library of Guru Gobind Singh Inderparstha University, Delhi. In this study survey approach was used and 182 questionnaires were considered for the sample among postgraduate students, research scholars and faculty members for collecting the required data for the study. The study reveals that 39.1% of the users were using OPAC facility at daily basis, some of the users were using OPAC for finding the bibliographical details of the documents, some of the users prefer their search while using OPAC through author search approach, title search options, and 54.4% of the users were fully satisfied with the present OPAC facility, and some of them faced some problems like less awareness of OPAC system, inappropriate location of the OPAC terminals etc., and unavailability of library staff near the OPAC terminals.
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