News Consumption on the Internet by Undergraduate Students of Public Universities in Nigeria
Internet, News Consumption, Undergraduate Students, UTAUT ModelAbstract
This study investigated the pattern of news consumption on the internet and the influence of performance expectancy, effort expectancy, social influence and facilitating condition on use among undergraduate students in public universities in Nigeria. Both quantitative and qualitative research approaches were used. Respondents were selected from four faculties in two public universities in Lagos State, Nigeria. Findings revealed that mobile phone was the most popular device used, entertainment news was the most popular type of news consumed, while Facebook was the most popular platform used for news consumption. Poor quality of internet connection and high data cost were challenges to news consumption. Generally, all the four UTAUT constructs were found to positively influence the student’s intention and actual use of the internet for news consumption. Government and internet service providers should work together to improve the coverage and quality of internet connection, providing more affordable internet subscription rates for users.
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