Web-Based Library and Information Services in the Libraries of the Institutions of National Importance in India: A Study with Reference to Karnataka, Kerala and Tamil Nadu
Web-based library services, Library websites, Content analysis, Web 2.0, Web 3.0, Institutions of National importance in India’s LibrariesAbstract
This paper focuses on the use of web-based library services in India and examines how libraries in the Institutions of National importance in India provide web access to their collections and other services. The study sample for the present study were Thirteen (13) institutions of National importance located at Karnataka, Kerala and Tamil Nadu states which were selected using purposive sampling technique based on the research objectives. The data was collected using a web-based survey by examining the library websites of the select institutions using a check-list of 52 items covered topics of library general information, library resources, library services, links to e-resources, Web 2.0 tools and Web 3.0 tools. This particular check-list was developed by the researchers after analyzing the related literature reviews and previous studies related to the topic. Finding shows that many of the surveyed Institutions of National importance in India’s libraries have not fully exploited the potential of the web forms, and are still lagging behind to make the effective use of library websites. Among the selected institutions, few libraries were found to offer web-based library services in different sections. The present paper highlights the present status of the web-based library services in the select Institutions of National importance in India’s librarians in Southern India. The study also highlights the role of Web 2.0 and Web 3.0 environment to enhance the quality of web-based library services and suggest new approaches for effective use of web-based library services.
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