Scientometric Analysis of Library and Information Science Articles During the Year 2008-2017 Using Web of Science
Scientometric, Web of Science, Social Network Analysis, Scholarly ProductivityAbstract
This article highlights the research productivity and scholarly communication of library and information science articles during the year 2008–2017 indexed by the Web of Science database. This analytical study consisting of 56 reports and data downloaded from the Web of Science (Clarivate Analysis) database. Scientometric research mainly focused on the range of research productivity in the field of library science in a specific period. To evaluate the Publication years, to identify the authors who wrote, the more articles, which journals published most of the relevant subject articles, which institute and country have mostly involved in a particular subject; all these are to mainly discussed in this study. The present study considered as a useful tool for effective allocation of research funds in the research community and the academic world of library and information science to enhance the research process.
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