Information Literacy Skills of CBSE School Students from Tamil Nadu, India
Information Literacy Skills, CBSE, Higher Secondary School, School StudentsAbstract
We examined the information literacy skills in Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE) in higher secondary school students of were conducted. This study demonstrates and elaborates to analyze information literacy search skill among the school students, to know the purpose of visiting the library, to identify areas of information literacy skills among the students and their search strategies and to students’ ability to locate useful information. The sampling was taken in eight schools in three different districts of Tamil Nadu State. A total of 305 students were surveyed in four Kendriya Vidyalaya (KV) and four CBSE Affiliate Private Schools. Our study highlights that information literacy skills are found in both schools; though more information skills are having CBSE affiliated private school schools rather than Kendriya Vidyalaya School.
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