Information Needs and Information Seeking Pattern of Adult Learners
Information Needs, Information Seeking Pattern, Adult Learners, Oyo StateAbstract
This study examined the information needs and information seeking pattern of adult learners in literacy programmes in Oyo State, Nigeria. Descriptive research design of the survey type was adopted for the study and 200 learners were randomly selected from literacy centres across the state. A self-structured questionnaire was designed and appropriately reviewed and validated by experts in the field of information studies and adult education. Descriptive statistics of frequency counts, simple percentages and mean score was used to analyse the data collected from the learners. Results of the analysis revealed a ranking of need for information on health and general wellbeing coming first, followed by information on how to acquire basic literacy skills of reading, writing & arithmetic which was ranked second among others. The findings also showed that adult learners seek information mostly through radio and television (mean = 3.0450), followed by textbooks (mean = 2.8550) and through their facilitators (mean = 2.7400). Adult learners also seek information through their various religious books (mean = 2.7350), literacy primers (mean = 2.6300) and social media (mean = 2.5050). Language barrier and unavailability of required materials ranked first and second respectively among others as the challenges they face in seeking information.
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