Information Seeking Behaviour of UG Students of Arts and Science Colleges in Tirunelveli District, Tamil Nadu, India
Information Seeking Behaviour, Arts & Science College, Tirunelveli District, E-ResourcesAbstract
The libraries are not only collecting and providing access to printed materials, but also managing ever-increasing amount of electronics resources, online indexes, databases, e-journals etc., the e-books are increasing day by day and are available in the internet. The present paper deals with information seeking behaviour of UG students of the present age of technology in the Arts and science Colleges of Tirunelveli District. It also analyse the utilization level of e-journals, characteristics of e-journals, types of e-journals, steps involved in accessing e-journals the role of library professionals, its merits and demerits. To collect the data, 150 questionnaires are distributed, and 146 filled questionnaires were collected from the students of Arts &Science colleges in Tirunelveli District. The study finds out the positive attitude of UG students’ information seeking behaviour in the cyber age.
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