Unveiling Patterns and Abnormalities of Human Gait: A Comprehensive Study
Gait Analysis, Approaches, Parameter, Types, Applications, Limitation, Meta-AnalysisAbstract
Varieties of serious mental and physical disorders are the cause of variations in gait. Gait analysis is extensively used in a variety of clinical applications to diagnose and monitor specific disorders. Sports, physical rehabilitation, clinical evaluation, surveillance, identification, modeling, and other industries all benefit from gait analysis. The study provides extensive information on characteristics, types, methodologies, limitations, applications, datasets, and tools used in gait analysis employing different sensor-based and vision-based approaches. A thorough study on gait analysis indicates a significant research gap in various elements of vision-based gait analysis. The field is either undiscovered or has received minimal attention in various scenarios, thus requiring emphasis on comprehensive analysis and exploration. This study will help analyze human walking patterns concerning clinical applications, rehabilitation, injury assessment, and fall risk assessment. It can provide important insights into various aspects of a person’s gait.
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