Energy Proficient Secure Clustered Protocol in Mobile Wireless Sensor Network Utilizing Blue Brain Technology
Blue Brain, MWSN, Clustering Protocols, Power Consumption, Heterogeneity, Network LifetimeAbstract
Mobile Wireless Sensor Network (MWSN) guarantees copious applications in daily life of ordinary people, government bodies, commerce, defense and culture etc. Association along with the devices in blue brain to fetch diverse appliances in the real world is an exigent assignment. Several existed protocols proficiently indulgence both homogenous and heterogeneous devices. This research work conquers the gap between the physical wireless blue brain network surroundings and the factual heterogeneous network. This research work intention not only provide a proficient energy responsive clustering broadcasting protocol for blue brain network, excluding a real blue brain network design for probing the proposed protocol contrasted to existed tactics. Proficient cluster-head election amplifies the deployment of the blue brain nodes energy stuffing and therefore amplifies the network life-span and the packets relaying rate to the base station. Energy Proficient Secure Clustered (EPSC) exploits special weighted selection possibilities for electing a Cluster-head based on regions heterogeneity intensity. NS2 simulation demonstrates prolongs the network life-span, diminishes reclustering, enhanced security and amplifies throughput contrasted with BM-BWO. The results will be beneficial for the design process in WSN for blue brain application.
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