A Proficient Obtrusion Recognition Clustered Mechanism for Malicious Sensor Nodes in a Mobile Wireless Sensor Network
Information Classification, Malicious Node, Irregular Set, Route Entry TableAbstract
A collection of wireless nodes that may be installed at any location and at any time without requiring an established network structure is called a mobile wireless sensor network. The problem of network performance arises from the mobility of nodes and their misbehaviour. Network performance is negatively impacted by data loss and sensor node misbehaviour. In certain cases, there are malicious sensor nodes that are designed to destroy the network’s capacity. This work aims to identify hostile nodes using an irregular set technique. The route entry table’s broadcasting metadata helps identify rogue nodes. Every sensor node in the network broadcasts information about adjacent nodes and maintains a sentry table. Premeditated data delivery proportion, throughput, delay, packet drop, and fault rate are used to estimate broadcasting record parameters. In the NS2 environment, mobile nodes with varying velocities are simulated. To generate an information table, mobile nodes with varying speeds are examined based on their broadcasting records. On the basis of guidelines taken from the irregular set tactic table, good and bad nodes are distinguished. Packets are disseminated along the shortest path that doesn’t contain any malicious nodes. The results of the proposed technique show that an irregular set tactic increases throughput, network capability, data delivery percentage, and end-to-end delay reduction in mobile sensors.
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