Access and Use of Electronic Information Resources by Faculties of RGUKT, Andra Pradesh: A Study
E-resources, Search techniques, Search skillsAbstract
The research paper intends to determine the usefulness of e-resources to the faculties of Rajiv Gandhi University of Knowledge Technologies (RGUKT), and their skills in using various search methods and techniques to access and utilize these resources. The study further aims to investigate the level of satisfaction with the information accessed by the faculties through the available e-resources and various challenges faced by them in their field. The survey was conducted with the help of a questionnaire and personal interview. Questionnaire was distributed to a random sample of 88faculties from different fields of Science and Technology available at the time of study and the response rate was 75%. The responses received from the available faculties are presented in tables and figures and data is analyzed by using simple calculation of percentage method. The findings reveal that access and use of e-information is an important component of research activities for faculties, also qualitative and quantitative developed e-collections overcome conventional resources with the characteristic of fast accessibility.
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